28Variety Smart FeaturesEnglishSmart FeaturesSmart FeaturesFreeze Wash functionThis function is not supported by Free Joint Multi systems.Use the Freeze Wash function to wash away microorganisms or duston the surface of the indoor heat exchanger by freezing and thawingoperation.In operation stop condition,ॷ ॷ Select Wash. ॷNOTE࡛ The Freeze Wash function runs from 30 to 80 minutes (theoutdoor unit will operate) depending on either temperature or˵Ї͔̈ʒ̈ϩц̈͝ϩ˵ʪθͱͱ͔ࡥϩ˵θͱЇ˝˵ϩ˵ʪ˙ͱ̷̷ͱӥ͝˝ʀцʀ̷ʪࡤ˙θʪʪї͝˝९ʒʪ˙θͱϑϩ̈͝˝९ʒθц̈͝˝ͱ˙ϩ˵ʪ̈͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩ˵ʪɇϩʪуʀ˵ɇ͝˝ʪθ࡛ Ɵ˵ʪ̈͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩʒ̈ϑΧ̷ɇцϑ˵ͱиϑϩ˵ʪʀ̷ʪɇ̈͝͝˝Χθͱ˝θʪϑϑ࣑ߣࣛ߫߫१࣒࡛ To use another function while in Wash operation, press the(Power) button on the remote control to stop operation.࡛ When the room temperature is low or its humidity is high, theFreeze Wash function may not work.࡛ Before finishing the Freeze Wash function, the airflow blade isclosed and then the drying operation starts.࡛ During the Freeze Wash cycle, creaking noises might be heardfrom the indoor unit. This is normal and will stop at the end ofthe Freeze Wash cycle.࡛The area around the indoor unit may appear blurred orcondensation may form while the Freeze Wash function is inoperation.࡛ You may see frost or water on the surface of the outdoor unit'svalve while the Freeze Wash function is in operation.࡛ It is recommended to use the Wash function once every 2 weeks.Otherwise, dust or dirt that is difficult to be removed mayaccumulate in the heat exchanger.