25EnglishSmart FeaturesSmart FeaturesUsage time checkThis function is only supported by Free Joint Multi systems.Use the Usage time function to check the operation duration from themoment when the air conditioner is turned on to the moment when theUsage time function is selected. The usage time is displayed on the indoorunit display for a few seconds, and the set indoor temperature appears.In operation ॷ ॷ ॷSelect Usage. ॷThe usage time is displayed in units of hour. For example, 0.1 is equivalentto 6 minutes; 2.5, 2 hours and 30 minutes; 3.7, 3 hours and 42 minutes.The value range displayed is between 0.0 and 99. The value is reset whenthe air conditioner turns off.NOTE࡛ The usage time shown on the indoor unit display may a little differfrom the actual operation time of the air conditioner.࡛ You can view the usage time only when the air conditioner is operating.Beep functionUse the Beep function to turn on or off the beep that sounds whenyou press a button on the remote control.ॷ ॷ Select Beep. ॷ