4. Troubleshooting► Error CodeH2-5A31H2-5A32H2-5A34H2-5A35► Error messageThe paper in finisher stacker is nearly full. Remove printed paperThe paper in finisher stacker is full. Remove printed paperThe paper in finisher bin2 is nearly full. Remove printed paperThe paper in finisher bin2 is nearly full. Remove printed paper► SymptomFinisher stacker tray made full, or Stacker operation is abnormal.► Troubleshooting methodCheck if there is any paper on the Finisher Stacker Tray. Remove it if there is.If the error still occurs, check the followings.1) Is the Finisher Stack Height Sensor (S10) working?a) Check if the Stack height sensor actuator(SJ10 6332A) is abnormality.b) Check if the connector (SJ10 8370)of Stack height sensor(S10) is disconnected.c) Check if the connector(SJ10 8310) J8 on the main control board(JC81–07242A) is disconnected.d) Check for continuity in the wire harness and whether the harness is damaged(JR10 8310, SJ10 8370), replace itif required.e) Replace the finisher Stack height sensor(S10).f) Replace the Finisher main control board(JC81–07242A).2) Is the Finisher Stack Full Sensor (S17) working?a) Check if the Stack full sensor actuator(SJ10 6332A) is abnormality.b) Check if the connector of Stack full sensor is disconnected.c) Check if the connector(JR10 8320) J18 on the main control board(JC81–07242A) is disconnected.d) Check for continuity in the wire harness and whether the harness is damaged(JR10 8320), replace it if required.Copyright© 1995-2013 SAMSUNG. All rights reserved. 4-198