4.Servic4.3.3. Software VersionThis menu displays all the version of the software insversion will be shown in the menu.• Information > Software Version• System Firmware• Main Firmware• Portability• XOA Framework• Engine Firmware• Scan Firmware• Image Converter Firmware• Fax Firmware• Fax Firmware• UI Firmware• VPU Firmware• ADF/DADF Firmware• DCF• HCF• Finisher Firmware• Booklet Firmware4.3.4. Service Hours• Information > Service HoursThis menu displays two items, “Power on Hours” andP H It i di t th h f t4.3.5. Fault Log• Information > Fault Log• Power on Hours : It indicates the hours of system p• Power Save Hours : It indicates the hours of systemThis menu displays faults occurred while the systemPressing clear button will clear all the save fault log o4.3.6. Print Reports• Information > Print ReportsThis menu displays reports which that can be printedavailable to print.• Supplies Information• Fax Protocol Dump List• Auto Color Registration Result• TRC Control History• OPC ACR ReportService ManualCLX-9250/9350 seriesp• Usage Counter Report4-ce Modestalled in the system in detail. The following software• Hole Puncher Firmware• Print CMS• Copy CMS• Scan CMS• IEM• Power Firmware• PCL 5C• PCL XL• PCL XL• PS3 / PDF / XPS• Scan Driver• Fax Driver• VPU Driver• Boot ROM• File Systemd “Power Save Hours”.i th fi t b ti f th tower on since the first booting of the system.m power save since the first booting of the system.was operating.of the system.d from the system. The following reports will beSAMSUNG ELECTRONICS-8