1. The W searches for and then displays all the wireless networkswithin range. When done, it displays a list of the networks. ln the listof networks, move the Highlight to select a network, and then selectNext. lf the selected network requires a Security Key, the SecurityKey screen appears.\ lf you have a WPS(PBC) compatible router, select WPS(PBC)instead, and then follow the directions on the screen. Whendone, go to Step 4.Enter your neiwork security key or WPS PIN using your remote.\ Enter numbers and letters using your remote.r You can enter numbers by pressing the number buttons onthe remote.. To enter a letter, move the Highlight to the letter, and thenselect it. You can enter numbers in the same fashion if youchoose.\ To display capital letters (or redisplay small letters if capital lettersare displayed), select Caps or Shift.5, To display symbols and punctuation, select 1*. To redisplayletters, select 1* again.When done, select Next if you have entered a security key or WPSPIN if you have entered a WPS PlN.The W checks the wireless connection. lf the connection issuccessful, the You are connected to the lnternet. lf you have anyproblems using online services, please contact your lnternetService Provider. message appears. Select Next, and then go to 4Software Upgrade Step.5, lf the connection fails, select Previous, repeat Step 1 and 2,carefully re-enter your security key or WPS PlN, then repeatSteps 3 and 4. lf it fails again, select Next on the "ConnectionFailed" screen, and then go to 5 - Auto Program (1) on the nextpage. Configure your network later through Network Settingsin the TV's Menu. For more information, refer to "Setting up theWired or Wireless Network" in the e-Manual or see the NetworkConnection sections in this manual (pages 15 and 31).The TV checks the network connection, then displays the You areconnected to the lnternet. lf you have any problems using onlineservices, please contact your lnternet Service Provider. messageappears. Select Next. The Software Upgrade screen appears.2.3.4.