S AMSUNG WIRELESS ROUTER U SER M ANUAL P AGE 46Step 4: In the fourth step, the user can select the filtering method used for this rule.he following parameters can be configured:Method: Here the user can select the filtering method used. Options to choose from are ‘Log WebAccess Only’, ‘Block All Access’, and ‘Block Some Access’.Apply Web Filter: After selecting the ‘Block Some Access’ option, the user will be able to select this op-tion. Selecting this option will allow the web filter access control feature to be applied tothis rule.Apply Advance Port Fil-ters:After selecting the ‘Block Some Access’ option, the user will be able to select this op-tion. Selecting this option will allow the advanced port filters access control feature to beapplied to this rule.Click on the Prev button to return to the previous window.Click on the Next button to continue to the next window.Click on the Cancel button to discard the changes made and return to the main Access Control window.Click on the Save button to accept the changes made and return to the main Access Control window.In the Policy Table section a list on access control rules will be displayed. To edit a specific rule, click on the icon. Toremove a specific rule, click on the icon.Click on the Save Settings button to accept the changes made.Click on the Don’t Save Settings button to discard the changes made.