S AMSUNG WIRELESS ROUTER U SER M ANUAL P AGE 61IPv6 Connection Type: Auto-Configuration (Stateless/DHCPv6)In the following section we’ll discuss the parameters that can be configured when setting up an Auto-Configuration (State-less/DHCPv6) connection. This is a method of connection where the ISP assigns your IPv6 address when your router re-quests one from the ISP’s server. Some ISP’s require you to make some settings on your side before your router can connectto the IPv6 Internet.The following parameters can be configured:My IPv6 Connection is: Select the appropriate IPv6 Connection Type used for this configuration here.The following parameters can be configured:Obtain IPv6: Select this option to obtain the DNS Server addresses automatically.Use the following IPv6: Select this option to manually enter the DNS Server addresses used.Primary DNS Server: Enter the primary DNS Server address used here.Secondary DNS Server: Enter the secondary DNS Server address used here.Use the section to configure the internal network settings of your router. The LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address is the IPv6 Ad-dress that you use to access the Web-based management interface. If you change the LAN IPv6 Address here, you may needto adjust your PC’s network settings to access the network again. DHCP-PD can be used to acquire a IPv6 prefix for the LANinterface.The following parameters can be configured:Enable DHCP PD: Select this option to enable DHCP PD.LAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN IPv6 address used here. This address must be in the ‘/64’ subnet.LAN IPv6 Link-Local Ad-dress:Displays the LAN IPv6 Link-Local address used here.