T HE F AX M A C H I N E3 4 There should be no documentsPress START/COPY to setloaded in your machine, and the remoteup polling.machine must be ready for your call.The LCD asks to enter thetelephone number of theremote party. T E L : _4 4 When polling another fax machineto retrieve a document, the remoteEnter the number by using machine may by secured with a pollthe number keypad. code. In this case, you cannot receive thedocument.The LCD shows thenumber you are dialing. T E L : 0 1 9 5 2 2 9 2 0 _5Press START/COPY whenthe number appearscorrectly in the LCD.The LCD shows themessage “DIALING” and“RECEIVING-POLL.” D I A L I N G . . .Your machine starts toreceive the document fromthe remote machine. R E C E I V I N G - P O L L4 Not all fax machines have pollingcapability, and polling incompatibilitysometimes occurs between fax machinesfrom different manufacturers. Therefore,polling may fail in some cases, evenwhen poll codes are not used.Your fax machine cannot be polled, soother fax machines cannot poll adocument from your machine.3 .14 C HAPTER T HREE : THE F AX M ACHINE