53Connecting to a Bluetooth HeadsetWhen you pair the Gear S with a Bluetoothheadset, the Gear S remembers the pairing andwill connect to the headset automatically any timeit detects the headset.To pair with a Bluetooth headset:1. On Bluetooth Headset: Turn on Bluetooth,and make the headset discoverable.2. On Gear: Turn on Bluetooth. From the Appsscreen, tap Settings > Connections >Bluetooth, and then tap the check box besideBluetooth to enable or disable the feature.3. On Gear: Tap BT headset, and then tap thename of the headset to select it.4. Follow the on-screen instructions to completethe pairing.To disconnect from a Bluetooth headset:► On Gear: From the Apps screen, tap Settings> Connections > Bluetooth, and then tap thename of the headset. Follow the on-screeninstructions to disconnect the headset.Note: When you disconnect froma Bluetooth headset, the Gear Sremembers the pairing so you canconnect at a later time. You can use theUnpair setting to make Gear S forget theheadset.Unpairing from a Bluetooth headset:► On Gear: From the Apps screen, tap Settings> Connections > Bluetooth, and then tapthe cog icon next to the headset name. Followthe on-screen instructions to complete theunpairing the headset.