174BGFUZ1SFDBVUiPOT● Never use modified au cell phones. Use of a modified deviceviolates the Radio Law. The product has acquired the certification ofconformity with technical regulations for the specified radio stationbased on the Radio Law, and the "Technical Conformity Mark " isprinted on the nameplate of the product as a certificate.If the screws of the product are removed and modifications aremade to the internal components, the certification of conformitywith technical regulations will become invalid. Never use the productwithout the valid certification. Doing so violates the Radio Law.● To prevent unlawful modification, the product has been designedso that it cannot be easily disassembled. Modifying the product isprohibited by the Radio Law.● Contents saved in this product, such as contacts, mails andbookmarks, might be altered or lost by an accident, fault, repair ormishandling. Be sure to keep a copy of important contents. Note thatthe Company assume no responsibility for any damages or lost profitsresulting from altered or lost contents.● Note that content data (both charged or free content) saved on theproduct cannot be returned to the customer when the product isreplaced for repair of a fault, for example.● Although the organic EL (OLED) display used on the product is madeusing high-precision technology, some pixels (dots) might be lit or outat all times. Or color may be changed or unevenness of brightnessmay be shown if looked at from different angles. Note that that isbecause of the structure of OLED display, not a fault.● Although lightning intensity of OLED can be decreased partlywhen the same image has been displayed for a long time, extremecontinuous use is performed with "Brightness" setting of "Display"set to be always bright, it is not abnormal because that is thecharacteristic of OLED.● Leaving the OLED exposed to the direct sunlight might cause a fault.Take care when you place the product by the window or outside.● Brightness of the display may become dropped because of increasingthe temperature of the product or decreasing the battery level.● Take care not to inconvenience people around you when you use theproduct in a public place.● You are recommended to store copies of individual data such asphotos you took, videos and music in your PC by sending eachfile as mail attachment, etc. Note, however, that you may not beable to make copies of some copyrighted data even by the above-mentioned means.● Take care not to place magnetized items such as magneticcards, speakers and TV sets near the product, as it might causemalfunction. Putting strong magnetism close to the product mightcause false operation.● When you put the product in your pocket or bag, take care so thatthe display does not come in contact with metal objects or otherhard objects, as it might cause scratching or damage.● When suddenly brought into a warm place from a cold place,or when in a humid location, or when used where temperaturesuddenly changes (e.g. near the air discharge port of an airconditioner), water droplets (i.e. condensation) sometimes areformed inside the product. Note that when used under conditionssuch as this, humidity might cause corrosion or a fault.● When wiping the display, wipe with a soft, dry cloth. Use of amoistened cloth, glass cleaner or other similar liquid might cause afault.● When connecting/disconnecting an external device to/from themicroUSB connection terminal or headset connection terminal,make sure that the connector of the external device is straightwith the connector terminal.● Note that applying unnecessary force with an external deviceconnected to the microUSB connection terminal or headsetconnection terminal might cause damage.● Do not discard the product together with regular trash. Pleasecooperate in the collection of au phone when it is no longer neededto protect the environment and effectively use resources. Old auphones are collected at au shops and other places.