• Magnification gestures: Use exaggerated gesturessuch as triple-tapping, double pinching, and draggingtwo fingers across the screen. Touch the OFF/ON button toturn it ON .• Negative colors: Reverse the display of onscreencolors from White text on a Black background to Blacktext on a White background.• Accessibility shortcut: Quickly enable accessibilityfeatures in two quick steps. Touch OFF/ON button toturn it ON . Follow the onscreen instructions.• Text-to-speech options: Adjust your text-to-speechsettings. For more information, refer to “Speech” onpage 149.Hearing• Sound balance: Use the slider to set the Left andRight balance when using a stereo device.• Mono audio: Enable stereo audio to be compressedinto a single mono audio stream for use with a singleearbud or earphone.• Turn off all sounds: Mute every sound made by thedevice.• Google subtitles (CC): Use Google subtitles withmultimedia files when available. Touch the OFF/ONbutton to turn the feature ON . Touch Googlesubtitles (CC) for options.• Samsung subtitles (CC): Use Samsung subtitles withmultimedia files when available. Touch the OFF/ONbutton to turn the feature ON . Touch Samsungsubtitles (CC) for options.Dexterity• Press and hold delay: Select a time interval for thisaction.Settings 158