111 StorageSettingsStorageView the device memory andusage. Mount, unmount, orformat an optional memory card(not included).Device MemoryView and manage the memory used by the device.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings > System.2. Tap Storage.• Device storage used out of the total spaceavailable is displayed.3. Tap Internal storage for the following:• Total space: The total amount of memory onyour device.• Available space: The amount of storagespace currently available.• System memory: The minimum amount ofstorage space required to run the system.• Used space: The amount of storage spacecurrently being used.• Other: The space used by app data,downloaded files, and Android system files.• Cached data: The amount of data currentlycached.• Explore: Launch My Files to view contentstored on your device.To increase available memory:1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings > System.2. Tap Storage.3. Tap Internal storage > Cached data to clearcached data for all apps.4. Tap Delete to confirm.Memory Card (SD Card)Once an optional memory card (not included) hasbeen installed in your device, the card memoryis displayed as part of Total space and Availablespace.For more information on memory card installation,see Install the SIM Card and a Memory Card.Mount a Memory CardWhen you install an optional memory card, it isautomatically mounted (connected to the device)and prepared for use. However, should you unmountthe card without removing it from the device, youneed to mount it before it can be accessed.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings> System.2. Tap Storage > SD card.3. Tap Mount.