36 Google AppsApplicationsEnjoy these apps from Google.Note: Certain apps require a Google Account.Visit google.com to learn more.Android PayPay with your Android phone at over onemillion store locations across the US andwithin mobile apps.Visit play.google.com/store/apps to learnmore.ChromeBrowse the Internet and bring your opentabs, bookmarks and address bar datafrom your computer to your mobile device.Visit google.com/chrome/mobile to learnmore.DriveOpen, view, rename, and share yourGoogle Docs and files.Visit drive.google.com to learn more.GmailSend and receive email with Gmail,Google’s web-based email service.Visit gmail.com to learn more.GoogleSearch not only the Internet, but also theapps and contents of your device.Google NowWorks in the background to collectinformation you regularly look up andorganize it into convenient cards thatappear when you need them.Visit google.com/landing/now to learnmore.Note: When Google Now™ is enabled, youcan access it by tapping Google.HangoutsMeet friends and family online, sharephotos, host video calls, and send SMSand Hangouts messages.Visit hangouts.google.com to learn more.MapsFind your current location and getdirections and other location-basedinformation.Visit google.com/maps to learn more.Note: You must enable location servicesto use Maps. For more information,see Location.PhotosAutomatically backs up your photos andvideos to your Google Account.Visit photos.google.com to learn more.Google Apps