Storing Channels in Memory Automatically1 First, select the broadcast source asdescribed on the previous page. Withthe Channel menu on screen, press the… or † button to select “Auto Program”,then press the ENTER button.2 Pres the ENTER button to select “Start”.The TV will begin memorizing all of theavailable stations. Press the ENTERbutton at any time to interrupt thememorization process.Press the EXIT button to exit the menu.Adding and Erasing Channels1 Press the MENU button. Press the … or† button to select “Channel”, then pressthe ENTER button.Quick way to access Add/Delete: Justpress the ADD/DEL button on the remotecontrol.2 Press the … or † button to select“Add/Delete”, then press the ENTERbutton.3 Press the CH / or number buttons toselect the channel you want to add ordelete. Press the ENTER button to add ordelete the channel.Press the EXIT button to exit the menu.33Operation32Channel MemoryYour TV can memorize and store all of the channels available. Once the channels are memorized,you can use the CH and CH buttons to scan through the available channels.Selecting the Broadcast SourceBefore memorizing available channels, you must select what broadcast source your TV isconnected to, either an antenna or a cable system.1 Press the MENU button.Press the … or † button toselect “Channel”, then pressthe ENTER button.2 Press the … or † button toselect “Air/CATV”, thenpress the ENTER button.If you are connected to anantenna, leave “Air”displayed. If you connectedcable, press the … or †button to select the type ofcable system: “STD”,“HRC” or “IRC”. (If you arenot sure which type ofcable system you have,contact your cablecompany).Press the EXIT button to exitthe menu.Air 12 Not In MemoryPress Enter to Add The ChannelAdd ReturnCH Change Move ExitAdd&Del. ChannelChannelAntenna : A √Air/CATV : Air √Auto Program √Favorite Channel √Channel Label √Fine Tune √Add/Delete √▼ MoreMove Enter ReturnInputPictureSoundChannelSetupChannelAntenna : A √Air/CATV : Air √Auto Program √Favorite Channel √Channel Label √Fine Tune √Add/Delete √▼ MoreMove Enter ReturnInputPictureSoundChannelSetupChannelAntenna : AAir/CATV : AirAuto ProgramFavorite ChannelChannel LabelFine TuneAdd/Delete▼ MoreMove Enter ReturnInputPictureSoundChannelSetupAirSTDHRCIRCChannelAntenna : A √Air/CATV : Air √Auto Program √Favorite Channel √Channel Label √Fine Tune √Add/Delete √▼ MoreMove Enter ReturnInputPictureSoundChannelSetupMoveMemorize ChannelsPress ENTER Button to StartStart ReturnEnter ExitAuto ProgramMoveChannel Memory in Progress...Stop ReturnEnter ExitAuto ProgramAir 35ChannelAntenna : A √Air/CATV : Air √Auto Program √Favorite Channel √Channel Label √Fine Tune √Add/Delete √▼ MoreMove Enter ReturnInputPictureSoundChannelSetupChannelAntenna : A √Air/CATV : Air √Auto Program √Favorite Channel √Channel Label √Fine Tune √Add/Delete √▼ MoreMove Enter ReturnInputPictureSoundChannelSetup