148Network77 Network13 Repeat the entry process for each field in the IP Address.If you make a mistake when entering a number, re-enter the number to correct it. You can alsopress the or button to change the number one unit at a time.14 When done entering the IP Address, press [ ].15 Press the button to go to the Subnet Mask fields, and then press [ ].16 Repeat the same entry process for Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS Server.17 When done, select OK at the bottom of the page, and then press [ ]. The network connectionscreen appears and the verification process starts. When the connection has been verified, the“Internet is connected successfully.” message appears.7.1.5 WPS(PBC)How to set up using WPS(PBC)If your router has a WPS(PBC) button, follow these steps.1 Go to Network Setting screen.2 Select WPS(PBC), press [ ], and then press [ ] again.3 Press the WPS(PBC) button on your router within 2 minutes. Your product automatically acquires allthe network setting values it needs and connects to your network.4 The network connection screen appears, and network setup is done.