19compliance with the terms of this Licenseand that the license for the Executableversion does not attempt to limit or alterthe recipient’s rights in the Source Codeversion from the rights set forth in thisLicense. If You distribute the Executableversion under a different license You mustmake it absolutely clear that any termswhich differ from this License are offeredby You alone, not by the Initial Developeror any Contributor. You hereby agree toindemnify the Initial Developer and everyContributor for any liability incurred by theInitial Developer or such Contributor as aresult of any such terms You offer. If youdistribute executable versions containingCovered Code, you must reproduce thenotice in Exhibit B in the documentationand/or other materials provided with theproduct.3.7. Larger Works.Yo u m a y c re a t e a L a r g e r Wo r k b ycombining Covered Code with other codenot governed by the terms of this Licenseand distribute the Larger Work as a singleproduct. In such a case, You must makesure the requirements of this License arefulfilled for the Covered Code.4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute orRegulation.If it is impossible for You to comply with anyof the terms of this License with respectto some or all of the Covered Code due tostatute or regulation then You must:. comply with the terms of this License tothe maximum extent possible; anda. Cite all of the statutes or regulationsthat prohibit you from complying fully withthis license.b. describe the limitations and the codethey affect. Such description must beincluded in the LEGAL file described inSection 3.4 and must be included withall distributions of the Source Code.Except to the extent prohibited by statuteor regulation, such description mustbe sufficiently detailed for a recipient ofordinary skill to be able to understand it.5. Application of this License.This License applies to code to which theInitial Developer has attached the notice inExhibit A, and to related Covered Code.6. Versions of the License.6.1. New Versions.License Author may publish revisedand/or new versions of the License fromtime to time. Each version will be givena distinguishing version number andshall be submitted to opensource.org forcertification.6.2. Effect of New Versions.Once Covered Code has been publishedunder a particular version of the License,You may always continue to use it underthe terms of that version. You may alsochoose to use such Covered Code underthe terms of any subsequent version ofthe License published by Initial Developer.No one other than Initial Developer hasthe right to modify the terms applicable toCovered Code created under this License.6.3. Derivative Works.If you create or use a modified version ofthis License, except in association withthe required Devloper Specific Licensedescribed in section 6.4, (which you mayonly do in order to apply it to code whichis not already Covered Code governed bythis License), you must (a) rename Yourlicense so that the phrases “Open”, “OpenPL”, “OPL” or any confusingly similarphrase do not appear anywhere in yourlicense and (b) otherwise make it clearthat your version of the license containsterms which differ from the Open PublicLicense. (Filling in the name of the InitialDeveloper, Original Code or Contributorin the notice described in Exhibit A shallnot of themselves be deemed to bemodifications of this License.)6.4. Required Additional DeveloperSpecific LicenseThis license is a union of the following twoparts that should be found as text files inthe same place (directory), in the order ofpreeminence:0. A Developer specific license.1. The contents of this file OPL.html,stating the general licensing policy ofthe software.