29the Original Work or Derivative Works in anyway such that the Original Work or DerivativeWorks may be accessed or used by anyoneother than You, whether the Original Workor Derivative Works are distributed to thosepersons, made available as an applicationintended for use over a computer network,or used to provide services or otherwisedeliver content to anyone other than You. Asan express condition for the grants of licensehereunder, You agree that any ExternalDeployment by You shall be deemed adistribution and shall be licensed to all underthe terms of this License, as prescribed insection 1(c) herein.6) Warranty and Disclaimer of Warranty.L I C E N S O R W A R R A N T S T H AT T H ECOPYRIGHT IN AND TO THE ORIGINALWORK IS OWNED BY THE LICENSORO R T H AT T H E O R I G I N A L W O R K I SDISTRIBUTED BY LICENSOR UNDERA VA L I D C U R R E N T L I C E N S E F R O MTHE COPYRIGHT OWNER. EXCEPT ASEXPRESSLY STATED IN THE IMMEDIATELYPRECEEDING SENTENCE, THE ORIGINALW O R K I S P R O V I D E D U N D E R T H I SLICENSE ON AN “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUTWARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THEWARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENTAND WARRANTIES THAT THE ORIGINALWORK IS MERCHANTABLE OR FIT FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISKAS TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINALWORK IS WITH YOU. THIS DISCLAIMERO F W A R R A N T Y C O N S T I T U T E S A NESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NOLICENSE TO ORIGINAL WORK IS GRANTEDH E R E U N D E R E X C E P T U N D E R T H I SDISCLAIMER.7 ) L i m i t a t i o n o f L i a b i l i t y. U N D E R N OC I R C U M S TA N C E S A N D U N D E R N OL E G A L T H E O R Y, W H E T H E R T O R T(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT,OR OTHERWISE, SHALL THE LICENSORBE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR ANYDIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,O R C O N S E Q U E N T I A L D A M A G E S O FANY CHARACTER ARISING AS A RESULTOF THIS LICENSE OR THE USE OF THEORIGINAL WORK INCLUDING, WITHOUTL I M I TAT I O N , D A M A G E S F O R L O S SO F G O O D W I L L , W O R K S T O P PA G E ,COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION,OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIALDAMAGES OR LOSSES, EVEN IF SUCHPERSON SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMEDOF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALLNOT APPLY TO LIABILITY FOR DEATH ORPERSONAL INJURY RESULTING FROMSUCH PARTY’S NEGLIGENCE TO THEEXTENT APPLICABLE LAW PROHIBITSSUCH LIMITATION. SOME JURISDICTIONSD O N O T A L L O W T H E E X C L U S I O NO R L I M I TAT I O N O F I N C I D E N TA L O RCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THISEXCLUSION AND LIMITATION MAY NOTAPPLY TO YOU.8) Acceptance and Termination. Nothing elsebut this License (or another written agreementbetween Licensor and You) grants Youpermission to create Derivative Works basedupon the Original Work, and any attempt todo so except under the terms of this License(or another written agreement betweenLicensor and You) is expressly prohibitedby U.S. copyright law, the equivalent lawsof other countries, and by internationaltreaty. Therefore, by exercising any of therights granted to You in Sections 1 and 2herein, You indicate Your acceptance of thisLicense and all of its terms and conditions.This license shall terminate immediately andyou may no longer exercise any of the rightsgranted to You by this License upon Yourfailure to honor the proviso in Section 1(c)herein.9) Mutual Termination for Patent Action.This License shall terminate automaticallyand You may no longer exercise any of therights granted to You by this License if Youfile a lawsuit in any court alleging that anyOSI Certified open source software that islicensed under any license containing this“Mutual Termination for Patent Action” clauseinfringes any patent claims that are essentialto use that software.10) Jurisdiction, Venue and Governing Law.You agree that any lawsuit arising under orrelating to this License shall be maintainedin the courts of the jurisdiction whereinthe Licensor resides or in which Licensorconducts its primary business, and underthe laws of that jurisdiction excluding its