APPENDIX36I N C L U D I N G , B U T N O T L I M I T E DTO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AREDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALLT H E W U - F T P D D E V E L O P M E N TGROUP, THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS,O R C O N T R I B U T O R S , B E L I A B L EF O R A N Y D I R E C T, I N D I R E C T,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY,O R C O N S E Q U E N T I A L D A M A G E S(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,P R O C U R E M E N T O F S U B S T I T U T EGOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESSINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSEDAND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICTLIA B I LI T Y, O R T O RT ( IN CLU D I N GNEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISINGIN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THISSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.7. USE, MODIFICATION, OR REDISTRIBUTION,OF THIS SOFTWARE IMPLIES ACCEPTANCEOF ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THISLICENSE.NTPLicenseCopyright (c) University of Delaware 1992-2010Permission to use, copy, modify, anddistribute this software and its documentationfor any purpose with or without fee is herebygranted, provided that the above copyrightnotice appears in all copies and that both thecopyright notice and this permission noticeappear in supporting documentation, andthat the name University of Delaware not beused in advertising or publicity pertaining todistribution of the software without specific,written prior permission. The University ofDelaware makes no epresentations about thesuitability this software for any purpose. It isprovided “as is” without express or impliedwarranty.