P RINTING T ASKS 5.3Printing a Document4 Select Automatic Feeder from the Paper Source optionsbox unless you are printing with special media. To printwith special media, select Manual Feeder and feed onesheet at a time into the printer. See page 4.5.4 Select Plain Paper from the Paper Type options boxunless you want to use a different kind of print media. Touse a different kind of media, select the corresponding printmedia name in the Paper Type options box. For moreinformation, please refer to Chapter 4 ‘Print Media’.4 Select the paper size you have loaded in your printer.4 You can also see the printable area.4 The Paper Orientation option allows you to select thedirection in which information is printed on a page.Portrait prints across the width of the page, letter style.Landscape prints across the length of the page,spreadsheet style.LandscapePortraitPrintable area