7.3PROBLEM SOLVINGSolving General Printing ProblemsProblemThe printer does notprint. (continued)Printer selects mediafrom the wrongpaper source.Paper does not feedinto the printer.Print job is extremelyslow.Possible CauseThe printer may beconfigured incorrectly.The printer driver maybe incorrectly installed.The printer ismalfunctioning.The paper sourceselection in the printerproperties may beincorrect.Paper has not beenloaded correctly.There is too much paperin the paper tray.The paper is too thick.The job may be verycomplex.The maximum speed of14 pages per minutecannot be exceeded evenwhen more memory isadded.If using Windows 9x/Me,the Spooling Setting maybe set incorrectly.SolutionCheck the printer properties to makesure that all print settings are correct.Remove the printer driver, thenreinstall the printer driver. Try printinga demo page.Check the lights on the control panel todetermine if the printer is indicating asystem error.For many software applications thepaper source selection is found underthe Paper tab within the printerproperties. Select the correct papersource.Remove paper from the paper tray andreload it correctly.Remove excess paper from the tray.Use only paper that meets thespecifications required by the printer.Reduce the complexity of the page ortry adjusting the print quality settings.If this problem occurs frequently, addmemory to the printer.From the Start menu, choose Settingsand Printers. Right-click the SamsungML-1440 Series printer icon, chooseProperties, click the Details tab, andthen choose the Spool Settingsbutton. Select the desired spool settingfrom the available choices.