U SING PRINT MATERIALS 3.113To stop a print job from the Printers folder1 From the windows Start menu, select Settings.2 Select Printers to open the Printers window, and double-click the your printer icon.3 From the Document menu, select Cancel Printing(Windows 95/98/Me) or Cancel (Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP).In Manual Feed mode, you can’t cancel a print job by pressingthe Cancel button.To cancel a print job in Manual Feed mode:1 Turn the printer off.2 Double-click the icon at right bottom of the window.3 Select a job you want to cancel.4 For Windows 95/98/Me, select Cancel Printing fromDocument menu.For Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP, select Cancel fromDocument menu.5 When the jobs are removed from the list, turn the printeron.Double-click this icon to viewthe queue of the print jobs.