Wireless network setup 502. Using a network-connected machine1 Check whether or not the network cable is connected to themachine. If not, connect the machine with a standard networkcable.2 Start a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefoxand enter your machine’s new IP address in the browserwindow.For example,3 Click Login on the upper right of the SyncThru™ Web Servicewebsite.4 Type in the ID and Password then click Login.• ID: admin• Password: sec000005 When the SyncThru™ Web Service window opens, clickNetwork Settings.6 Click Wireless > Wizard.Wizard will help you setup the wireless networkconfiguration. However, if you want to set the wirelessnetwork directly, select Custom.7 Select the one Network Name(SSID) in the list.• SSID: SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a name that identifies awireless network, access points, and wireless devicesattempting to connect to a specific wireless network mustuse the same SSID. The SSID is case-sensitive.• Operation Mode: Operation Mode refers to the type ofwireless connections (See "Wireless network name andnetwork key" on page 27).- Ad-hoc: Allows wireless devices to communicatedirectly with each other in a peer-to-peer environment.- Infrastructure: Allows wireless devices tocommunicate with each other through an access point.If your network’s Operation Mode is Infrastructure, selectthe SSID of the access point. If the Operation Mode is Ad-hoc, select the machine’s SSID. Note that “portthru” is thedefault SSID of your machine.