62• ACCESS POINT FEATURESessid: This field is used to name a wireless LAN group when in StructureNet mode. If the roaming is to besupported, the value of ESS_ID of all the APs should be the same.Default: wlanap_name: This field is a string up to 9 letters and is used to give SWL-2000AP an identifier name. This isuseful if you have multiple APs on a network for roaming. In that case the essid for all APs should be samebut ap_name for each AP should be different.Default: LocalAPmode: This field specifies the operating mode of the unit. Insert the “Instawave” for and the“StructureNet” for .Default: StructureNetprotocol: The normal mode of an AP is to pass all protocols. In this case the value of default protocol shouldbe “all”. If your wireless station uses TCP/IP protocol only, you can set the value of protocols to “TCP/IP”.In this case, non TCP/IP messages are not passed by the AP.Default: All• TCP/IP PARAMETERSIP_address: This field is used to assign a TCP/IP address to the AP and needed when a user manages the APby TELNET or uses web manager utilities. A user can access management utilities for the AP by putting inthe assigned IP address on TELNET or WEB BROWSER.Default: (No IP address assigned)subnet_mask: This field is used to define the TCP/IP sub-net mask. This field should be set if you plan touse the built in management features of the AP.Default: This field is needed to connect to an external network using the TCP/IP protocol. SWL-2000APstores all the IP addresses received from TCP/IP ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) message. If thedestination is an IP address instead of a local network, the packets are sent to a gateway.Default: (no gateway)• MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONSpassword: This field allows the manager to define the password used by the Command Line Manager beforethey can enter commands.Default: “default”telnet: This field enables or disables the built TELNET management capability. This field will not affect aterminal attached via the serial port, which is always enabled when a terminal is attached. You can selecteither “on” or “off” to enable or disable it.Default: on PreviousNext |