102Reserving a TV RecordingYou can reserve a TV recording.1 Click the Recording Reservation ( ) button belowthe TV Viewing pane.2 If the Add Recording Reservation window appears,enter a Name, the Channel Number and theRecording Frequency and click the Next button.3 Set a recording reservation and click the Next button.4 Confirm the recording reservation settings and clickthe Finish button.If a recording reservation is set, the recording reservationname appears in the TV Recording Reservation folderof the TV Library.If a recording reservation is added, set the computer toStandby mode rather than switching the computer off,as the reservation is not performed if the computer isswitched off. In addition, if there is insufficient free spaceon the hard disk drive, the recording reservation will fail.Playing a Recorded TV ProgramYou can play a recorded TV program from the TV andMOVIE Stations.1 Double-click the Recorded TV folder of the TVLibrary.2 Double-click a recorded TV file. The recorded TV isplayed and play control buttons appear below the TVviewer window.You can also play a recorded TV program in theRecorded TV folder of the MOVIE Station Library bydouble-clicking it.