140 Users ManualQ3 When you see a Windows Security Alert icon ( ) appear on the right partof the task bar.With the Security Center feature added, Windows XP SP2 checks the Firewall,the automatic updates configuration and installation of virus-checking programsto display a Windows Security Alert icon on the right part of the task bar when itjudges that the computer is vulnerable to attacks from the Internet. In this case,check the following to install the necessary components.A1 Set up the Windows Firewall.When you set up the Windows Firewall, you will be protected from unauthorizedaccess through the Internet or the network.1. Click on Windows Firewall in Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Managesecurity settings for.2. From the General tab of Windows Firewall, select ON (recommended).3. If you want to allow a certain program or service to gain access to your computerusing the Firewall, select and check the program or service that you want to allowaccess from, in the Exceptions tab of the Windows Firewall. If you want to adda program to Programs and Services, click on Add Program and select it.A2 Set up Windows Automatic Updates.This automatically downloads and installs critical updates via the Internet to keepyour computer up to date.1. Click on Automatic Updates in Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Managesecurity settings for.2. From general tab of Automatic Updates window, select Automatic(recommended).A3 Keep your computer current with the latest virus updates. (ex: Norton Antivirus)Even when you have installed Norton AntiVirus on your computer, Windowscannot recognize the program until you configure the settings, displaying aSecurity Alert icon.When you first use or install Norton AntiVirus for the first time, follow theRegistration Wizard steps to configure the registration settings.To protect your computer from virus attacks with the latest updates, click onOptions to display the Norton AntiVirus Options window. From the left menu ofthe window, check Run Automatic Protection to select Automatic Protection andcheck Run LiveUpdate to select LiveUpdate.A4 Two virus scanning programs on one computer may cause system conflicts.Remove one of the programs from the system.