Regulatory Compliance Statements xviiThe product may be used outdoors, but for outdoor transmissions over a distance of300m or more, a license from the BIPT is required.This restriction should be indicated in the manual as follows:Dans le cas d'une utilisation privée, à l'extérieur d'un bâtiment, au-dessus d'un espacepublic, aucun enregistrement n'est nécessaire pour une distance de moins de 300m.Pour une distance supérieure à 300m un enregistrement auprès de l'IBPT est requise.Pour une utilisation publique à l'extérieur de bâtiments, une licence de l'IBPT estrequise. Pour les enregistrements et licences, veuillez contacter l'IBPT.FranceFor Metropolitan departments:2.400 - 2.4835 GHz for indoor use.2.400 -2.454 GHz (channels 1 to 7) for outdoor use.For Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Pierre et Miquelon, Mayotte:2.400 - 2.4835 GHz for indoor and outdoor use.For Reunion, Guyane:2.400 - 2.4835 GHz for indoor use.2.420 - 2.4835 GHz for outdoor use (channels 5 to 13)European Telecommunication Information(for products fitted with EU-approved modems)Marking by the symbol indicates compliance of this equipment to the Radio andTelecom Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC. Such marking is indicative thatthis equipment meets or exceeds the following technical standards:CTR 21 – Attachment requirements for pan-European approval for connection to theanalogue Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs) of TE (excluding TEsupporting voice telephony services) in which network addressing, if provided, is bymeans of Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signaling.Although this equipment can use either loop disconnect (pulse) or DTMF(tone) signaling, only the performance of the DTMF signaling is subject toregulatory requirements for correct operation. It is therefore stronglyrecommended that the equipment is set to use DTMF signaling for access to