254MagicInfo Premium S1111 MagicInfo Premium S11.5 Content Manager11.5.1 Copying content1 Select Content manager in the MagicInfo Premium S menu screen.2 Select the content you want to copy. If content under Internal Memory is selected: You can copy the content under InternalMemory to USB memory. If content under USB is selected: You can copy the content under USB memory to InternalMemory.Selecting content under Internal Memory and USB memory at the same time will disablecopying.3 Next, select Copy.CloseMagicInfo Premium SReturnMagicInfo Premium S PlayerLocal Schedule ManagerTemplate ManagerContent managerSettingMode Server USBLocal schedule Connected ConnectedUSBInternal MemoryNo Item Folder1Menu1.jpgMenu2.jpgContent managerReturnSelectSelected File(s)Free Space 5549.2MB0.0MB (0) Selected File(s)Free Space 6227.2MB0.1MB (1)CopyDeleteClose