1 English Content LibraryUsing the Content LibraryOption DescriptionGallery This function plays a Slideshow with high resolutionimages and background music and produces variousatmospheres. Using the Gallery function of the TV, youcan change your home atmosphere.Press INFO button to see the credit and detailinformation in English for the imagery (currently, thecredit supports English only).You can pause the slide show by pressing theENTERE button during a slide show.The copyrights of the Gallery contents and allissues related to them are reserved by Timespace /JoongAng M&B, Inc.■■■Cooking You can view various recipes and then easily follow themstep by step. Enjoy these contents which will give yougreat ideas for meals.The recipes introduced in the Cooking contents onthe Samsung TV are based on recipes published byAnness Publishing.The copyrights of the Cooking contents and allissues related to them are reserved by PracticalPictures.■■Children This is educational and interactive content that childrencan watch repeatedly. Enjoy existing stories, songs andplays with the Boowa and Kwala characters.The copyrights of the Children contents and issuesrelated to them reserved by UpToTen.■Wellness This is beneficial health management content thatprovides stretching and massage exercises that can beenjoyed by the whole family.< >Cooking ChildrenGalleryGalleryContent LibraryWellness OthersReturn Exit