English Internet@TVFrom the Profile Widget you can Sign in to Yahoo!® using your Yahoo! ID.If you have a Yahoo! ID, you can access your personalized content using the Yahoo! TVWidgets.All Yahoo! TV Widgets that are installed are automatically signed-in with your profile’sYahoo! ID.If you have no Yahoo! account, visit www.yahoo.com and create an account.You may fail to log in with an ID created on the Yahoo website in a country that does notsupport Internet@TV.About Profile widgetPress the Green button.You can view a brief description of the Profile Widget, Copyright Policy, Terms ofService, and Privacy Policy.Using the Yahoo!® WidgetGalleryUse the Yahoo!® Widget Gallery to add more widgets to your TV.View available TV Widgets in the following categories:Latest Widgets: Displays recently updated widgets.Yahoo!® Widgets: Displays widgets provided by Yahoo!®.Samsung Widgets: Displays widgets provided by Samsung.More Categories: Displays all widgets by category.To install a widget, navigate to the detail screen and select Add Widget to My Profile andpress the ENTERE button. The widget is installed and becomes available in the dock.Widget Gallery SettingsPress the Green button.About Yahoo! Widget Gallery...You can view brief information for the Widget Gallery, Copyright Policy, Terms of Service, andPrivacy Policy.In the Developer Settings menu You can make your own widget.For more information on creating your own widget, visit our developer site at http://connectedtv.yahoo.com/■■■■■■■■■■•Yahoo! Newsby Yahoo!Samsung WidgetsWidget Gallery Latest WidgetsYahoo! WidgetsV 0.9.0CategoriesNEWS PAGE 1 OF 2 NEWS HEADLINESTop StoriesBusinessPoticsSportsTechnologyMore CategoriesSettingsAbout Yahoo! Widget Gallery...Developer SettingsWIDGET GALLERY