System setup2393. Useful Setting MenusDefault Paper Size You can set the default paper size to use.Power SaveSets how long the machine waits before going to powersave mode.When the machine does not receive data for an extendedperiod of time, power consumption is automaticallylowered.System TimeoutSets the time that the machine remembers previouslyused copy settings. After the timeout, the machinerestores the default copy settings.Job TimeoutSets the length of time the printer waits before printingthe last page of a print job that does not end with acommand to print the page.Held Job Timeout Sets the time to hold the temprarily stopped job.Wakeup EventWhen this option is "On", you can wake up the machinefrom the power saving mode with the following actions:• loading paper in a tray• opening or closing the front cover• pulling a tray out or pushing a tray in• connecting a USB memory device (only for the modelsthat support USB memory devices)Item DescriptionAuto ContinueDetermine whether or not the machine continuesprinting when it detects the paper does not match thepaper settings.• 0 Sec: This option allows you to continue printingwhen the paper size you have set is mismatched withthe paper in the tray.• 30 Sec: If a paper mismatch occurs, an error messagewill display. The machine waits for about 30 second,then automatically clear the message and continueprinting.• Off: If a paper mismatch occurs, the machine waitsuntil you insert the correct paper.AltitudeAdjustmentOptimize print quality according to the machine’saltitude.Auto CR Allows you to append the required carriage return toeach line feed, which is useful for Unix or DOS users.Firmware Version Shows the product’s firmware version.Paper StackingIf you use a machine in a humid area, or you are using thedamp print media caused by a high humidity, the print-outs on the output tray may be curled and may not bestacked properly. In this case, you can set the machine touse this function to let print-outs stacked firmly. But,using this function will make the print speed slow.Item Description