113Preventing afterimage burn-in― The best way to protect the product from afterimage burn-in is switching the power off orsetting the PC or system to run a screen saver when not in use. Also, Warranty service may belimited depending on instruction guide.• Powering Off, Screen Saver and Power Saving Mode– Power off the product for 2 hours after using it for 12 hours.– Go to Display Properties > Power Supply on your PC and set the product to power off asrequired.– Using a screen saver is recommended.It is best to use a single-color or moving-image screen saver.• Regular color Change– Use 2 colorsSwitch between 2 colors every 30 minutes as shown above.FLIGHT FLIGHTTIME TIMEOZ348UA102 21:1020:30OZ348UA102 21:1020:30Type 1 Type 2• Avoid combinations of a text color and background color of contrasting brightness.(Brightness: refers to the lightness or darkness of a color which varies depending on theamount of light emitted.)― Avoid using grey as it may contribute to afterimage burn-in.― Avoid using colors of contrasting brightness (black and white; grey).FLIGHT TIMEOZ348 20:30::FLIGHT TIMEOZ348 20:30::• Regular Text color Change– Use bright colors of similar brightness.Interval: Change text color and background color every 30 minutesFLIGHT TIMEOZ348 20:30::FLIGHT TIMEOZ348 20:30::FLIGHT TIMEOZ348 20:30::FLIGHT TIMEOZ348 20:30::– Move and change text every 30 minutes as shown below.FLIGHT TIMEOZ348 20:30::[ Step 3 ][ Step 2 ]FLIGHT TIMEOZ348::[ Step 1 ]20:30– Regularly display a moving image along with a logo.Interval: Display a moving image along with a logo for 60 seconds after using for 4hours.