Exhibition Mode (RSG5K/F/D*)1) When the Power Freeze and the Freezer buttons are pressed at the same time for 8 secondsduringthe normal operation, it will be set to the Exhibition mode.2) When the Exhibition mode is activated, the display panel and all the functions will work normally,butthe compressor and the Condenser Fan remain off.3) To deactivate the Exhibition Mode, do the Exhibition entering mode again or turn off the power.4) When the Freezer or the Fridge temperature becomes over 65 (149 ), the Exhibition mode will beeliminated and the unit will go to the normal operation mode.Cooling-Off Mode (RSG257*)1) When the Freezer and Power Freeze buttons are pressed at the same time for 3 seconds during thenormal operation, it will be set to the Cooling-Off mode.2) When the Cooling-Off mode is activated, the display panel and all the functions will work normally, butthe compressor and Condenser Fan remain off.3) To deactivate the Cooling-Off mode, execute the Cooling-Off mode again.4) When the Freezer or the Fridge temperature becomes over 65 (149 ), the Cooling-Off mode willbe eliminated and the unit will go to the normal operation mode.5) When the Cooling-Off mode is set, display panel is displayed "OF-OF".6) When the unit is reset on condition of Cooling-Off mode, the unit operates with Cooling-Off mode.Exhibition Mode (RSG5B*)1) When the Fridge key and Child Lock key are held down together for 6 seconds during the normaloperation the Panel Display LEDs will blink for 4 seconds at an interval of 0.5 sec.2) At this time, when taking your fingers off the Fridge key and Child Lock key and pressing the Freezerkey sending out a “Ding_Dong“sound, it goes into the exhibition mode.3) When the Exhibition mode is activated, the display panel and all the functions will work normally, butthe compressor and the Condenser Fan remain off.4) To deactivate the Exhibition Mode, do the Exhibition entering mode again or turn off the power.5) When the Freezer or the Fridge temperature becomes over 65 , theExhibition mode will beeliminated and the unit will go to the normal operation mode.4-1-7) Exhibition & Cooling-Off ModeTROUBLE SHOOTING1) If the panel display is reset upon instant power failure, it will trigger nonsense calls at the call center.To prevent this, the following measure is implemented into the unit. Upon the power supply, it initializesthe unit or brings back its previous settings based on the Freezer temperature.2) Upon the initial power on, it checks its Freezer temperature. When it is lower than 5 (41 ), it is to beconsidered as an instant power failure and it brings back all its previous operation functions (PowerFreeze, Power Cool, Vacation, Freezer Settings, Fridge Settings, Ice Type, Child Lock, etc) related tothe panel display.3) When it is higher than 5 (41 ), it is to be considered as a long-period power failure and it willinitialize the panel display (Freezer: -20 , Fridge: 3 , Crushed for RSG5K/F/D*, RSG257* Modeland Freezer : -20 Fridge : 2 for RSG5B* Model).4-1-6) Restoration of Previous Settings Upon Power Failure60