_ featuresfeatures of your newrefrigeratorKEy fEaturEs of your nEw rEfrigEratorYour Samsung Side-By-Side Refrigerator comes equipped with many space-saving, innovative storage andenergy-efficient features.• twin Cooling tDMBy monitoring the states of the freezer and the fridge compartments on a realtime basis, it runs both of the evaporators in optimal conditions and makes itpossible to maintain world best 71% of humidity in the fridge compartment andextend storage life with much freshness.• Coolselect Zone™ Drawer (rsJ1K/J)With this state of the art feature, you can select Quick Cool, Thaw or Selectbuttons to quickly chill, thaw and cool items just in the CoolSelect drawer.Select Soft Freeze, Cool or 0 Zone to control the temperature of drawer.• Easy oPEnning (rsJ1*E)Doors can be opened easily and smoothly with this “Easy Handle” for thecustomer satisfaction.• DuaL DisPLayMore readable & visible futuristic design dual display shows twin cooling systenmdirectly for convenience & satisfaction of customer.• DELiCatEssEn BoXNew concept box design on Fridge door for efficiency of storage space &convenient separation of all kinds of food.• EasiLy MoVaBLE tray (optional)New concept tray to increase the movability with food simultaneously. Useful forstorage of dessert and cake etc.For easy future reference write the model and serialnumber down. You will find your model number on theleft hand side wall of the refrigerator.Model #Serial #