16_ operatingWhen “Thaw” ends, food is in a half-frozen state,making it easy to cut for cooking. In addition, when“Thaw” ends, the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer returnsto the original “Chill” condition. To cancel thisfunction mid-cycle, just press any button besidesThaw.Here are the approximate thawing times of meatand fi sh by weight (and based on a 25.4mm (1in.)thickness). This chart represents the total weight offood in the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer.THAW TIME WEIGHT4hours 363g (0.8Ib)6hours 590g (1.3Ib)10hours 771g (1.7Ib)12hours 1000g (2.2Ib)Quick CoolYou can use the “Quick Cool” operation with theCoolSelect Zone™ Drawer to quickly cool 1~3canned beverages in about an hour. When the“Quick Cool” process ends, the CoolSelect Zone™Drawer automatically returns to the previously settemperature.To cancel this operation, press the Quick Coolbutton again and the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawerreturns to the previously set temperature.FreshWhen “Cool” is selected, the temperature in theCoolSelect Zone™ Drawer will be the same as theoverall temperature setting of the refrigerator. Thedrawer digital panel shows the same temperatureas that of the refrigerator display panel. Since the“Cool” function mimics the refrigerator temperature,you have extra general storage space.Depending on the size and thickness of themeat or fi sh, thawing times may vary.When “Thaw” is in operation, any items thatyou do not want affected should be movedout of the drawer.• If you have along vacationor business tripand won’t usethe water or icedispensers, closethe water valve.- Otherwise, waterleakage may occur.• When you have notused the Ice maker fora while, or you haveopened the Freezer door frequently, the Ice maystick together. If this has occurred, empty the icebucket or break up the ice with a wood kitchentool. Do not use sharp items such as knives orforks.• When the bucket is removed, there may stillbe some residual ice in the ice maker that theicemaker can release.• If ice does notdispense, pullout the icemakercover and presstest buttonlocated on the icemaker.• Do not press the testbutton continuouslywhen the tray is fi lled with ice or water. Watermay overfl ow or the ice may jam the icemaker ordispenser.USING THE COOLSELECTZONE™ DRAWERThe CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer is designed to makeyour busy life just a little bit easier.ChillWhen “Chill” is selected, the temperature ofthe CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer is kept at -1°C,regardless of the overall temperature setting of therefrigerator. This feature also helps keep meat or fi shfresh for longer.ThawWhen “Thaw” is selected, warm and cold air isalternately blown into the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer.Depending on the weight of the frozen food, youcan select a 4 hrs, 6 hrs, 10 hrs, and 12 hrs thawingtime.Ice ChuteIce Chute Ice BucketIce BucketIce-Maker CoverIce-Maker CoverCAUTIONTest buttonTest buttonCAUTION