168 3D. GPS Navigation Where returns you to the Search Near page whereyou can choose from a set of seven locationcategories.● Entries with more than one available category(a subcategory) appear with an adjacent grayarrow. These entries can be expanded andthen closed.To organize and arrange your search results:1. Select a category entry from the Search page. Bydefault the Search Results page lists the BestMatches based on closest location first (top).2. Highlight an onscreen location and press .3. Press Options (right softkey) to apply the availablefilter options to best display the matching results: Map Results: overlaps your current list over a mapof your current location. The numeric onscreenentries correspond to your current sorted list. Sort by Relevance: sorts a list of matching resultsby placing the most likely match (to your presentsearch criteria) at the top and least likely at thebottom. More Results: sorts the results by additionalcriteria.To search for the least expensive gas in your area:1. Highlight and press > Maps > SprintNavigation > Search > Type It > Category > Gas ByPrice.– or –Select > Search > Type It > Category > Gas ByPrice.2. Select a grade of gasoline: Any, Regular, Plus 89,Premium, or Diesel. By default the Search Results page lists the BestPrice at the top of the list.3. Highlight Search and press Go (right softkey).4. Highlight a gas station from the list, and press .5. With the destination information onscreen, pressOptions (right softkey) and select Drive To to beprovided with a new route to the selected gasstation. See “Using a Physical Address” on page 165.M570.book Page 168 Thursday, June 10, 2010 12:00 PM