20 – DIGITAL COLOR CAMERAHow to use OSD MenuXDR (eXtended Dynamic Range)[OFF, LOW, MID, HIGH]Actively controls the gamma compensation in theway it operates the ambient luminance contrastin a certain pixel unit to determine the optimalvisibility.Select one from OFF, LOW, MID and HIGH.Closing to HIGH will increase the compensationlevel.DAY/NIGHT [DAY,NIGHT,AUTO,EXT]DAYIf set to DAY, it will be fixed to DAY moderegardless of the ambient conditions.NIGHTIf set to NIGHT, it will be fixed to Black-and-Whitemode regardless of the ambient conditions.If you press the SETUP switch with a NIGHT submenu selected, you will see a menu where you canset Burst to OFF/ON.If BURST is set to ON, the Burst signal will outputtogether with the black-and-white composite videosignal. If BURST is set to OFF, the Burst signal doesnot output.You can set the BURST option to OFF/ON, orselect to output the Burst signal in NIGHT mode.AUTOThe camera will automatically switch betweenDAY and NIGHT mode, according to the lightingcondition.If you press the SETUP switch with an AUTO-based sub menu selected, you will see theappropriate screen.AUTOBURST OFFDAYÆNIGHTBRIGHTNESS MIDDWELL TIME 2SNIGHTÆDAYBRIGHTNESS MIDDWELL TIME 5SMASK AREA 1 2 ❖❖•••You can set the BURST option to OFF/ON, orselect to output the Burst signal in NIGHT mode.You can select from LOW, MID and HIGH forthe brightness of DAYÆNIGHT, which is abrightness level in switching from the color filterto Black-and-White. Closing to LOW from HIGHwill switch the filter in a low contrast scene.The DWELL TIME of DAYÆNIGHT is a timerequired to determine the need for switching thefilter.You can select from LOW, MID and HIGH forthe brightness of NIGHTÆDAY, which is abrightness level in switching from the Black-and-White filter to color. Closing to LOW from HIGHwill switch the filter in a low contrast scene.The DWELL TIME of NIGHTÆDAY is a timerequired to determine the need for switching thefilter.The MASK menu is used to prevent a filterswitch error or inability of determining the switchin existence of a high spot light source at night.If you press the SETUP switch in item 1 or 2 ofthe MASK menu, you will see a menu where youcan specify an area to mask.MASK AREA You can specify Mask 1 and 2 simultaneously.The mask is used only for determining the filterswitch and any excessive bright area at night willbe masked.Note :If BACKLIGHT is set to BLC, the MASK AREA function willbe deactivated.–