English _EnglishWhITe BAlIf you need to adjust the color according to the ambient illumination, you can usethe <WHITE BAL> function.For selecting and saving each menu item, refer to “How to use the keyboard controller”. (page 18)Illumination is generally referred to as color temperature, which is represented in ameasurement of kelvin (K). Color temperatures for ordinary lighting are as follows:In the <WHITE BAL> menu, youcan set a mode for correcting the<WHITE BAL>.- ATW1,2 : If you set the <WHITEBAL> menu to <ATW1> or<ATW2> mode, this will monitorthe change of the color temperatureto correct the <WHITE BAL> asneeded.The following color temperatureranges are assured in individualmodes:ATW1 : 2500K ~ 9300K (1)ATW2 : 2000K ~ 10000K(suitable to sodium light source) (2)1 : With <ATW1> mode active in a color temperature environment rangingbeyond between 2500K and 9300K, a proper white balance value may not beproduced; if this is the case, you are recommended to use <ATW2> mode.2 : With <ATW2> mode active in a mostly single color environment, the displaycolor and the actual one may differ; so select a mode as appropriate to yourcolor temperature environment.Blue skyRainyCloudySunnyPartly CloudyFluorescent lampHalogen lampTungsten lampCandlelight10000K9000K8000K7000K6000K5000K4000K3000K2000K1000K