8IImmppoorrttaanntt SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss9Sensible UseUse only in the normal position (held to the ear). Avoidunnecessary contact with the antenna when the phoneis switched on.Emergency CallEnsure the phone is switched on and in service.Key in the emergency number for your present location,then press the key. If certain features are in use,deactivate those features before you can make anemergency call. Give all the necessary information asaccurately as possible. Do not cut off the call until givenpermission to do so.Water ResistanceYour phone is not water-resistance. Keep it dry.Accessories and BatteriesUse only Samsung-approved accessories and batteries.Qualified ServiceOnly qualified service personnel may install or repairyour phone.For more detailed safety information, see “Health andSafety Information” on page 123.Travel AdapterHandset Standard/Extended BatteryHand StrapUnpackingYour package contains the following items:In addition, you can obtain the following accessories foryour phone from your local Samsung dealer:Notes:• This phone can be used as a wireless modem, byusing the Data Cable for connecting the phone to theUSB port of a PC or Laptop. You need to purchase theData Cable/Driver to use this feature. Contact Reliancefor further information.User’s Manual HeadsetBattery Charger• Headset• Travel adapter• Standard/Extended battery• Cigarette light adapter• Leather case• Data Cable(USB support)• Car Cradle• Cigar hands-free car kit