15YYoouurr PPhhoonnee14YYoouurr PPhhoonneeBacklightThe display and the keypad are illuminated by abacklight. When you press any key or open the folder,the backlight illuminates. It turns off if no key ispressed within a given period of time, depending onthe Backlight option set in the Display menu.To specify the length of time for which the backlight isactive, set the Backlight menu option (Menu 5-6);see page 82 for further details.Roaming: Appears when you are out ofyour home area and have logged onto adifferent network, when traveling in othercountries, for example.Ringer On: Appears when you set theringer volume for calls to one from Level 1to Level 8, 1-Beep.Ringer Off: Appears when the ringervolume is turned off.Battery Status: Shows the level of yourbattery. The more bars you see, the morepower you have left.Alarm: Appears when you set an alarm toring at a specified time.Vibration: Appears when you set the ringervolume for calls to Vibrate or High+Vib. Italso appears in a different color when thephone is set to Vibrate mode using .Signal Strength : Shows the receivedsignal strength. The greater the number ofbars, the better the signal.IconsService: Appears when a call is inprogress.No Service: Appears when you areoutside a service area. When it appears,you cannot make or receive calls.New Message: Appears when a newmessage is received.Voice Privacy: Appears when the VoicePrivacy feature is activated.