117MORE INFORMATIONAmerican National Standards Institute1819 L Street, N.W., Suite 600,Washington, D.C. 20036Telephone: 1-202-293-8020www.ansi.orgImplantable Medical DevicesA minimum separation of six (6) inches should be main-tained between a wireless phone and an implantablemedical device, such as a pacemaker or implantablecardioverter defibrillator, to avoid potential interferencewith the device. Persons who have such devices:• Should ALWAYS keep the wireless phone more thansix (6) inches from their implantable medical devicewhen the wireless phone is turned ON;• Should not carry the wireless phone in a breastpocket;• Should use the ear opposite the implantable medicaldevice to minimize the potential for interference;• Should turn the wireless phone OFF immediatelyif there is any reason to suspect that interferenceis taking place.