122MORE INFORMATIONMore Informationresearch indicates that using a wireless phone whiledriving degrades a driver’s performance, whether itis a hands-free or hand-held wireless phone. NHTSAadvises that the “safest course of action is to refrainfrom using a cell phone while driving.” NHTSA’spolicy on “Cell Phone Use While Driving,” as wellas Frequently Asked Questions on the subject, areavailable at www.nhtsa.gov (click on “Traffic Safety”then on “Drowsy and Distracted Driving”).For your well being and the well being of those aroundyou, you should consider turning your phone off andallowing calls to go to Voice Mail while you are driving.If you choose to use your wireless phone while driving,several jurisdictions have adopted “hands-free” andother restrictions on the use of wireless devices whiledriving. It is your responsibility to know and to complywith the law in your area.