96Korean keyboard From the Settings menu, touch Language & keyboard ➔Korean keyboard (Korean keyboard settings) to access thefollowing options:• General:– Vibrate on keypress: When enabled, the phone vibrates for each keypress.– Vibrator duration: Set the duration that vibration occurs when Vibrateon keypress has been enabled.– Sound on keypress: When enabled, a sound plays for each key press.– Volume: Set the volume when Sound on keypress is enabled.– Auto-capitalization: When enabled, automatically capitalizes the firstletter of the first word in a sentence.– Korean Keyboard Type: Choose between 2-Bulsik layout or Shortvowel layout.– Voice input language: Set to Match to layout or Always Korean.– Multi-tap Key Timeout: Set the amount of time before timeout whenusing multi-tap.• Word suggestion settings:– Quick fixes: When enabled, corrects common mistakes.– Show suggestions: When enabled, displays suggested words whileentering text.– Auto-complete: When enabled, pressing the spacebar or apunctuation character automatically inserts the highlighted suggestedword.– Mend consonant-conflict: When enabled, consonant-conflictedwords are corrected when in single-vowel layout.Android keyboardConfigure Android keyboard settings. For more information aboutentering text with the Android keyboard, see “Entering Text Usingthe Android Keyboard” on page 38. From the Settings menu, touch Language & keyboard ➔Android keyboard (Android keyboard settings) to access thefollowing options:• Vibrate on keypress: When enabled, the phone vibrates for eachkey press.• Sound on keypress: When enabled, a sound plays for each keypress.• Popup on keypress: When enabled, a magnified image of thecharacter entered pops up for each key press.• Touch to correct words: When enabled, touching a word causes adragable cursor to appear on the touched word.• Auto-capitalization: When enabled, automatically capitalizes thefirst letter of the first word in a sentence.• Show settings key: Select whether the settings key appearsAutomatically, Always shows, or Always hides.• Voice input: Voice Input is an experimental feature using Google’snetworked speed recognition. When enabled, the Voice input keyappears on the Android keyboard. To use Voice input, touch theVoice input key, or slide your finger over the keyboard.