Health and Safety Information 111NavigationMaps, directions, and other navigation data may containinaccurate or incomplete data, and circumstances can and dochange over time. In some areas, complete information may notbe available. Therefore, you should always visually confirm thatthe navigational instructions are consistent with what you seebefore following them. All users should pay attention to roadconditions, closures, traffic, and all other factors that may impactsafe driving or walking. Always obey posted road signs.Emergency CallsThis mobile device, like any wireless mobile device, operatesusing radio signals, wireless and landline networks, as well asuser-programmed functions, which cannot guarantee connectionin all conditions, areas, or circumstances. Therefore, you shouldnever rely solely on any wireless mobile device for essentialcommunications (medical emergencies, for example). Beforetraveling in remote or underdeveloped areas, plan an alternatemethod of contacting emergency services personnel. Remember,to make or receive any calls, the mobile device must be switchedon and in a service area with adequate signal strength.Emergency calls may not be possible on all wireless mobiledevice networks or when certain network services and/or mobiledevice features are in use. Check with local service providers.To make an emergency call:1. If the mobile device is not on, switch it on.2. From the Home screen, touch . The dialer isdisplayed.3. Key in the emergency number for your present location (forexample, 911 or other official emergency number).Emergency numbers vary by location.4. Touch the key.If certain features are in use (call blocking, for example), you mayfirst need to deactivate those features before you can make anemergency call. Consult your User Manual and your local cellularservice provider. When making an emergency call, remember togive all the necessary information as accurately as possible.Remember that your mobile device may be the only means ofcommunication at the scene of an accident; do not cut off the calluntil given permission to do so.