Understanding Your Contacts 575. Continue creating the text or picture message asdesired. For more information, see “Messaging” onpage 58.Note: A vCard contains all contact information except Group,Ringtone, and Emergency (ICE) contact status.Backup AssistantBackup Assistant is a wireless service that saves a copy ofyour Contacts List to a secure web site. If your phone is lost,stolen or damaged, Backup Assistant can restore your savedcontacts to a new phone, wirelessly. Schedule daily backupsto save your information manually or automatically. Log in toyour web account for full access to your contacts for viewing,printing adding, deleting, and editing.Visit http://www.verizonwireless.com/backupassistant , or contactVerizon Wireless for more information.Note: Standard TXT messaging rates apply. Backup Assistantis free for My Verizon subscribers. From the Home screen, press the Left Soft KeyMenu ➔ Contacts ➔ Backup Assistant, thenfollow the on-screen directions.