66Message FoldersMessages are stored in the message folders, depending onyour selections for Inbox View in Message Settings.Tip: To scroll through all messages in the Messages, Sent, orDrafts folder, open one message, then press theDirectional Key Left or Right.Note: The Messaging menu depends on the Inbox Viewsetting. For more information, see “Messaging Settings”on page 73.Viewing Messages by ContactWhen the Inbox View setting is set to Contact, all incomingand sent messages are stored in the Messages folder,grouped by contact (if the sender/recipient of the message isstored as a contact) or phone number, to provide a threadedview of the message exchange.Note: The Messages folder is only present with the Inbox Viewsetting is set to Contact. For information about the InboxView setting, see “Messaging Settings” on page 73.1. From the Home screen, press the Messaging Key➔ Messages.2. The most recent message from each contact displays.Numbers to the right of the contact/number indicatethe number of messages from this contact/number.3. To view a message thread, use the DirectionalKey to highlight a contact/number, then pressOPEN.4. To send a message back to the sender, press the LeftSoft Key Reply.5. While viewing the list of contacts/messages, use theDirectional Key to highlight a contact/number,then press the Right Soft Key Options for options(available options depend on the type of message):• Erase: Delete the highlighted message thread.• Add to Contacts: (If the number is not already saved) Save thephone number to Contacts.• New Message: Create a new message.• Manage Messages: Erase, Lock or Unlock, or set the readstatus of messages in the Inbox.