109108SSeettuupp SSeettuuppLocation: Move to left or right position using up ordown navigation key, and press left or rightnavigation key to select the location.Summer Time: Move to left or right position usingup or down navigation key, and press left or rightnavigation key to select On or Off.Contrast (Menu 6-2-6)This menu allows you to adjust the brightness of theMain LCD screens.1. Press down or left navigation key to make thescreen darker, and up or right navigation key tomake the screen brighter.You can also use the volume keys to adjust thebrightness.Each time you press the key, you will see theselected status of the LCD.2. Press the key to save your setting.Service LED (Menu 6-2-7)You can turn on or off the service light on the phone.Set Time (Menu 6-2-5)This menu option allows you to set the current dateand time.Main ClockThe current time, if set, displays. Enter the currenttime and date using the numeric keys.Note: It is not allowed to change the clock when youare in service area.The month, day, hour and minute must be eachentered using 2 digits. The year requires all fourdigits. And you must enter the hour in 24-hourformat.When you finish entering the time and date, pressthe key to save it.If you enter unavailable time, the phone displays‘Invalid time’ and prompts you to enter again.Dual ClockThis option allows you to set the dual clock for theWallpaper display (Menu 6-2-1-3).To change the option, move to the first level until itis highlighted using up or down navigation key, andpress left or right navigation key to scroll through theoptions; Location and Summer Time.