Scan memories Press key.INTERNAL PHONEBOOKSCH-X659 Quick Reference CardStore a newnumber intomemoryPhone number + Save +Name + OK + + Type +(set another items) + OKMake a call Phone number +End a callReceive a callAdjust key tone (in Standby mode)volume „ / on the left sideAdjust voice (during a conversation)volume „ / on the left sideRedial the last call twiceSwitch to silent (in Standby mode)mode Press and hold #Speed dial- Card Enter the location number andhold down the last digit.- Phone Location number + Press andhold .BASIC OPERATION136GGlloossssaarryyRF - Radio FrequencyRoaming - The ability to use a wireless phone tomake and receive calls in places outsideof the home service area.Service Charge - The amount paid each month toreceive wireless service.Standby Time - The amount of time a fully chargedwireless portable or transportablephone can be on and idle withoutbeing in use. (See Talk Time)Talk Time - The length of time a person can talk ona portable or transportable wirelessphone without recharging the battery.Vocoder - Voice Coder. A device used to convertspeech into digital signals.Wireless - Radio-based Systems that allowtransmission of telephone or data signalsthrough the air without a physicalconnection, such as a metal wire(copper) or fiber optic cable.