TroubleshootingSamsung Electronics 4-3DRUM WARNING A warning that the OPC drum has almost reachedthe end of its life (14,000 Sides)You have 1000 pages of print life left inthe OPC Drum. Continue to use, ordera new OPC drum.REPLACE DRUM OPC drum is now life-expired(15,000 sides)Replace the OPC Drum Cartridge.NO CARTRIDGE When the machine detects that the toner cartridgehas not been installed.Install the Cartridge.BYPASS JAM Paper feed problem from the BYPASS (Manualfeed) Tray.Open the side Cover and clear the jam.DUPLEX JAM Paper feed problem in the duplex return path Release Output Feed lever and checkoutput area clear. Also open side doorand check duplex unit is clear.LINE BUSY The remote FAX didn’t answer Try again.OPEN HEAT EROR No power to the Fuser lamp Check thermostat, thermistor, fuser lampand fuser connector and associated wir-ing. Also check the ‘Fuser On’ signalfrom main PWA to Power Supply. Checkcable from Main PWA to Power SupplyHeating Error During operation, Temperature does not go up Check thermister contact point &Heating Lamp.Scanner Locked Scanner head does not move. Check transit lock, check scanner cablesare connected, check scanner homesensor, scanner motor or drive belt.Error Message Description Solution