4.36 Mailbox4. Select the cover page, if you want, and click Next.You can also create and edit the cover page to suit your needs. Fordetails on editing or creating a fax cover page, see page 4.42.To send the fax without setting any further options, click Finish, andgo to Step 9.If this options is off, all the recipientsreceive exactly the same fax. Toor/and CC fields of the fax headercontain all the recipients specified.In case the option is on, eachaddressee receives “personal” fax: hesees his address only (To fieldcontains addressee, CC field is empty).To customise pageoptions, click PaperSetup... and set optionsas needed.Allows you to selectone from the existingcover pages.5. In the Attach Files window, you can attach files to your fax message.Click Add File, and select the desired files. You can attach as manyfiles as necessary.