3.17Image ManagerOverviewSamsung Web Publisher is a tool for organising a set of cross-referencedHTML pages, containing images, and publishing them on a Web server orstoring them in a local folder. In general, your work with Web Publisherlooks as follows:• You create a project defining its name, location and some other optionsregarding to image format and HTML generating.• Then you add images you want to publish in the Web, to your project.• Finally, you configure account options and upload the project to theWeb server.Samsung Web Publisher provides two kinds of pages: an index page anda picture page. An index page is a page, which contains thumbnails ofimages you added to the project. A picture page is a page, whichcontains a single full-size image. An index page can include referenceseither to a picture page or to another index page. In the latter case thisreference will be presented with the icon instead of a thumbnail.Thus, the structure of the index and picture pages in your project issimilar to the Windows folders concept, where index pages can beconsidered folders while picture pages are similar to files. Like folderscan contain subfolders, index pages can contain another index pages.The primarily index page, which is called home page you can mention asa root folder.At any time you can transform a picture page into index page by addingan image to that page. In this case the picture page will be moved to thedescendant level and a new index page will be created instead. It willcontain thumbnails referring to the full-size pictures of the existing andjust added image.And of course, you have an opportunity to navigate through your pages.Web publisher provides navigation to the previous page at the samelevel, next page at the same level, upper level page, and the homepage. To jump to a direct descendant image page, you have to click anappropriate thumbnail.Web Publisher